I'm going to start doing HTML lessons, so all you can learn as well as copy and paste!
I do all my editing in htmledit.squarefree.com-so I can make sure I like the html before I use it.
When I do my html's, I start with a wide range of options, but I usually like to start with:
<p style="
The p means paragraph, and the style means we are about to change the font, size, etcetera.
Then I usually like to put:
Which, aligns the text! The choices are left, center, or right. If you don't put text-align it will self align to left. I like to put it as center.
Me, I'm English, but HTML is American, so I have to remember not to put 'centre' or 'colour'.
In between each little bit you have to put a semi colon, otherwise it will not work.
I don't like to have a boring black HTML, but of course at times it looks...Nice! To change the colour write:
Then write any colour in! Or you can write a colour code, which is basically a code, that when you put it in, it changes the colour! To get the colour codes go to: www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm
To change the font, write:
And then a font! I get my fonts from: support.microsoft.com/kb/924623
Most of the fonts on that website work, but some do not work on html's :(
Background colour is one of the easiest things! All you have to do is write:
and then a colour! You can use colour codes too ;D
To change the font size write:
Font-size: 10px
Change the 10px to a size you like!
Now for border!!!! For a border, write:
border: 10px double red
You can adjust the 10 to what you would like :D
You can change the red to a colour or a colour code.
You can change the double to any of these:
Groove (same as ridge)
Finally, starting the text!
I included all of these features in one html and it gave me this:
<p style=" text-align: center; color: pink; font-family: monotype corsiva; font-size: 40px; background-color: deeppink; border: 10px ridge deeppink;">Hey!</p>
Next Lesson: Shadows, Flashing Text and Sized Borders.
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